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Why sunscreen?

It amazes me how many people come see me for help with sun damage. Aside from Anti-Aging treatments, sun damage is my most requested type of skin condition to correct.

I recently read an article where Dr. Wendy Roberts, a board certified dermatopathologist, spoke to the importance of sunscreen.

Here are a couple of questions and answers from that article:

What straight-up advice (or words of caution) can you offer people who never wear sunscreen?

You will regret not having worn sunscreen when you look at your skin compared to friends and family who have worn daily sunscreen 20 years from now.

What are the top five reasons you believe everyone should wear sunscreen?

1. The ozone layer is depleting and your body needs shielding from harmful rays.

2. Skin cancer rates are on the rise and sunscreen has been proven to decrease the development of skin cancer.

3. It helps to prevent facial brown spots and skin discolorations.

4. It also helps to reduce the appearance of facial red veins and blotchiness.

5. It slows down the development of wrinkled, premature aging skin.

There are medications that increase risks of sun burns and damage. How is this?

There are many medications which may make the skin extra susceptible to sun. These include anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular and acne medications. Oral medications Doxycycline and Minocycline used in the treatment of acne may cause skin problems when exposed to direct and prolonged UV. Isotretinoin, popularly called Accutane, is a vitamin A derived medication which may make your skin burn easily. Topical acne products, such as vitamin A derived tretinoin and benzoyl peroxide, may make certain skin types burn easier through photosensitization and irritation, respectively.

Dr. Wendy Roberts had some great things to say and made some really valid points.

One more thing I really want to stress is that sunscreen is for everyone! Men and women, from the fairest of skin tones to the darkest of skin tones, white, olive, dark brown, everyone needs to wear it. And you need to wear it 365 days a year, not only during the summer, but all year long.

Call me to find out which sunscreen formula would be best for you!

Now, can this be treated? Yes! Everafter Skin Spa has several ways to help using the results oriented skincare line Rhonda Allison. Call me to set up a consultation so we can create a plan of action for you and your skin!

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